Bassett Unified School District Child Development Program

r ducoing
Child Development Program Director
Rosie Ducoing
[email protected]
Our Mission

The mission of Bassett Child Development is to partner with staff, families, and community to provide high
quality Early Childhood Education in a caring, healthy, and safe environment where all are valued and
empowered to achieve successful outcomes.
Program Goals

Goal #1
Work with families in closing the achievement gap, and build the skills and concepts needed for children’s
school readiness and future success.

Goal #2
Empower parents through consistent opportunities that strengthen their ability to support their child’s
development, school readiness and success both now and in the future through evidenced and researched
based experiences.

Goal #3
Promote a safe, high quality early childhood education program through active community outreach,
recruitment, and community partnership building.

Goal #4
Update and implement greater technological approaches that will yield maximum results and support the
attainment of organizational goals.